The restaurant Gallo Arrosto is open every day from 10 AM to 12 PM.
(Except Monday in the period between October 1 and May 31, which it closes at 15 PM)
After 18:30PM it is possible to eat pizza, made in traditional wood oven
The restaurant is located in Pianella, in via Dell’Artigianato 2 (Strada Provinciale 62), the town of Castelnuovo Berardenga. Near the bridge over the River Arbia, crossroad for Castelnuovo Berardenga in the Chianti wine road, between Siena and Montevarchi in direction towards Gaiole in Chianti.
You can reach the venue directly by car, motorcycle, bike, or a bus. Alternatively you can take advantage of a CHAUFFEUR service to customers or groups, which “GALLO ARROSTO” provides, upon direct booking to the numbers of the restaurant.